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Lacrosse Stick Size Guide for Adults & Youth


Having the right lacrosse stick size will help you develop your playing style, intercept passes effectively, and score goals. Even just a few inches of difference can make a difference in whether you win or lose a match.


Whether you're new to lacrosse or refining your gear, picking the correct length is critical for comfort and performance. This guide will steer you through sizing, ensuring both adults and youth get the perfect stick for their game.

Let's dive into the details and help you find the appropriate lacrosse stick length for your needs.


Lacrosse Stick Size Chart


Here is a comprehensive size chart to guide you through the selection process.


lacrosse stick size chart diagram


Keep in mind that lacrosse sticks will also vary in size and build when used for either men's or women’s lacrosse.


As a general rule, boys’ lacrosse sticks can range from 42” to 72”, while girls’ lacrosse sticks range from 35.5” to 43.25”. Additionally, the mesh of men’s lacrosse sticks is deeper compared to that of women's lacrosse sticks.


lacrosse players battling for the lacrosse ball


How to Size a Lacrosse Stick


The perfect lacrosse stick length depends on your position and height.


Attackers and midfielders typically use shorter sticks for better control and agility, while defenders use longer sticks to improve their reach and ability to check opponents. Goalies can choose stick lengths within a wide range, depending on their preference for reach versus maneuverability.


Here are some variables you need to consider:


Determine Position


Identify whether the player will be an attacker, midfielder, defender, or goalie. This greatly influences the stick length.


Measure Height


For youth players, height is a critical factor. The stick should not be taller than the player. For adults, while height is less of a determining factor, it’s still helpful to ensure comfort.


Consider Personal Preference


Some players might prefer a slightly shorter or longer stick for better control or additional reach.

How Many Lacrosse Sticks Should You Have?: A lacrosse player needs two lacrosse sticks, one as a game stick and another for backup.



a youth lacrosse team playing lacrosse


How to Size a Lacrosse Stick for Youth Lacrosse Players


Different length sticks are sold for adult and youth lacrosse players. While the variables concerned for buying are generally the same, there are some specifications that can help you make an informed choice when purchasing lacrosse gear.


Consider the Player’s Position


Different positions will have varying lengths with their lacrosse sticks.


  • Attack/Midfield: Youth players in these positions should use sticks between 36” and 40”. This shorter length aids in ball handling and control.

  • Defense: Defensive players should use sticks ranging from 47” and 54”. This longer stick helps in intercepting passes and checking opponents.

  • Goalie: Youth goalies can choose a stick length anywhere from 40” and 72”, though most will prefer a shorter stick for better handling.


If you don’t want to buy a new lacrosse stick right away, keep in mind that the lacrosse head of your stick can be replaced when worn out. This is important since lacrosse heads experience wear and tear every match.


Adjust for Growth


Youth players grow quickly, so it’s essential to periodically reassess the stick size. A stick that was perfect at the start of the season might be too short by the end.


Test for Comfort


Have the youth player hold the stick. It should feel comfortable and not too heavy. They should be able to handle the stick with ease and move it smoothly.


two female lacrosse players giving a thumbs up


Practical Tips for Parents and Coaches


Periodic Checks


Regularly check the stick’s size relative to the player’s growth and position changes.


Custom Adjustments


Consider adjusting your stick’s length as the player’s skill level and physical growth advance.


Engage the Player


Always involve the player in the sizing process to ensure the stick feels right and boosts their confidence on the field.

Lacrosse Equipment Facts: The stick used in lacrosse is called a “crosse” and is made from natural materials like hickory and ash. The crosse is seen as an extension of the player’s arm and is decorated with spiritual symbols. The ball used is made from deer hide and is believed to have healing properties.


a lacrosse ball within a lacrosse stick net


Time to Face Off!


The right stick enhances control, accuracy, and overall performance, fostering confidence and enjoyment for both youth and adult players. With the ideal stick in hand, you'll be ready to take on the competition with confidence and control, ensuring a more rewarding experience on the field.


Before you go, don't forget to check out Sports Gear Swag for a wide selection of custom lacrosse gear. We offer fully custom lacrosse team kits and provide a wide selection of templates for custom lacrosse jerseysuniforms, shorts, and more!


From classic team colors to custom designs, Sports Gear Swag has everything you need to show off your team spirit and stand out in the game. Order your lacrosse gear from us today and show up in your next match in style!

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